Tenchi Dojo will be celebrating it's 15 year anniversary on Saturday, September 14 with special classes and activities at the dojo. Tenchi will have a modified schedule that day and will be open for all students to invite family and friends to train with us. There will be a few few fun surprises, especially for those students who bring a guest to train.
The special schedule will be as follows:
9:30 -10:30 - class for all junior students (family and friends invited to train)
11:00 - 12:00 - class for all teen/adult students (family and friends invited to train)
1:00 - 2:00 - Black belt - Empty Hand Kata
2:30 - 3:30 - Black belt - Kobudo
4:00 - Pizza Party 15 year Kanpai at the dojo for all students - all ages all ranks
